New year, new me is the mantra many people adopt at the start of a new year. Ahead lies 365 new opportunities to change old habits, learn new things, and organize. According to a report done by, getting organized is the third most popular goal set by people in the new year. With crazy schedules and life getting in the way, staying organized is tricky. To help you start off the year right, Monbebe is sharing ten tips to help you get on top of your organizing.
Take a few minutes to pick up. Before leaving a room, take a few minutes to pick up and put things away. Whether cooking or cleaning, taking a few minutes to ensure everything is in order before you leave will give you instant satisfaction (and it only takes a few minutes).
Plan ahead. Planning ahead is a great way to not only be prepared, but to stay organized, too. From planning your outfits for work to figuring out which meals you’re going to cook for the week, you take out the guesswork and are prepared for the future ahead.
Use a label maker. Organizing items in bins is tricky business when you can’t see the contents. Label makers offer a cheap and neat solution to organizing.
Invest in easy to fold items. Having several bulky items cramps and clutters your space. Opt for items that fold easily that serve the purpose you need. With a weight of 12 lbs, the Monbebe Cube Compact Stroller has a compact fold that makes staying organized easy.
Establish roles. Keeping a house organized is a team effort. Divide chores up to reduce the amount of work each person is doing and to ensure everyone has a role in helping keep things tidy.
Maintain a running list. Whenever you’re out of something or think of something you have to do, add it to a running list. This will help you not forget things, and whenever you have free time or find yourself at the store, you will be able to work on your lists.
Give everything a home. Even if you are not the most organized person, giving everything a home will not only help you know where everything is, but also help make cleaning up easier.
Set a time for cleaning. Having a set time to clean/organize allows you to know when it’s time to get serious and when you can move on to other things.
Don’t let things get piled up. Part of staying organized is knowing when to tackle that pile of laundry you’ve been neglecting. Not letting things get piled up will help you stay organized in a simple way.
Ask for help. No one can do everything on their own. Know when to ask for help with cleaning/organizing.
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